The private-funding thermometer rose by $51,467 in November, bringing the total to $150,178, or 110.1 percent of the goal.
Contributions to the annual fund added nearly $33K. Thank you to all who contributed. You can still make a tax-deductible donation online, in person, or by mail. Go here for info.
The library also received $15K in matching funds from United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley.
Tee Time sponsorships totaling $1,900 began arriving last month for the annual spring event set for March 7 & 8, 2025.
General donations (including the donation box) added another $460, while cash receipts for lost and damaged items, printing/copying, and room rentals totaled $574. Finally, sales in the Friends’ Book Nook also totaled $574 in November.
The Friends would like to thank everyone who came out to the Holiday Book Sale Dec. 6. At the event, Friends’ President, Lucy McLeod (right), presented EPL Board President, Anne Zayaitz, with a ceremonial check for $33,486 representing the total they have donated to the library this year. So grateful for our Friends!
Finally, if you’ve noticed that our computers are now faster, it’s because the library received a $4,200 grant from the Rotary Club of Emmaus, which was used to replace all of our patron PCs–a very welcome upgrade! The Rotary grant funds are separate from private funding and not included in this month’s total.
Check back next month for December and full-year results.