Programs & Events vary and include:

Book Discussion Groups: Monthly forums where readers come together to talk about books and the reading experience.
Readers’ Advisory for Adults: These may include recommendations of specific titles, authors, or lists of books for particular needs.
Movie Matinees & Movie Nights: Shown monthly on the last Tuesday night and Thursday Afternoon of the month.
DIY and Pinterest Parties: a make & take craft project with supplies provided FREE of charge. For adults and families (no unattended minors please.)
Seed Lending Library Offered Seasonally: Choose up to 5 seed packs at a time- no need to return them, just plant & enjoy! Get the specifics here. In addition to offering FREE seeds, the Emmaus Public Library is proud to participate with Plant A Row Lehigh Valley! In the summer, you can drop your surplus harvest of produce at the collection container near the main entrance. You generosity directly supports our hungry neighbors through Casa Guadalupe, Jefferson Elementary Food Pantry, and Central Elementary Food Pantry. For more information or to sign up on line please visit Plant a Row Lehigh Valley.
Interested in volunteering with us? We accept volunteer applications on a rolling basis. You can download a form here or ask for a paper copy at the desk. According to Pennsylvania State law, volunteers over the age of 18 who work directly with or interact with children must provide PA Child Abuse History Clearance, PA Criminal Records Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check (if you have lived within PA for the last 10 years you may be exempt). The clearances/certifications are required before you can begin volunteering. Library Staff can help you get started online, but cannot complete the required forms for you.
Need Federal Tax Forms? We do get a limited quantity each year, however they can always be printed directly from the IRS website . Thanks to Representative Justin Simmons office for dropping a supply of state forms and schedules! Please take only what you need for personal use, as supplies are limited. If you need additional forms please consider making an appointment for help printing from the State or Federal websites.
Summer Reading Club is open to readers of all ages each year. We have a kick off party on the lawn to get the summer started and host events nearly everyday! Younger readers can earn incentives based on time spent reading including a grand prize when they complete 10 or more hours and adults who review the items they’ve read can enter the weekly raffle for a prize basket.
These events and more are publicized in the local newspaper, library flyers, and social media. Please check the website’s Calendar page for more specific events, dates, and times.
All questions about the adults’ programs may be directed to the adult services librarian by calling the library at 610-965-9284 x 210, emailing [email protected] or by coming to the library’s front desk.
In January 2019, after many years of coordination and cooperation, Emmaus joined with 10 other libraries to form the Lehigh Carbon Library Cooperative (LCLC). The LCLC gives patrons access to 11 libraries’ collections with one barcode, including the options to reserve and pick up or return materials, renew their library card or register for a new LCLC card online or at any participating library. LCLC libraries have coordinated borrowing policies, billing standards and card registration procedures to create a seamless experience at any of the participating libraries. To move to the new LCLC card, please bring your existing library card & photo ID in to upgrade to this new resource. If you need help please feel free to stop by the front desk. You can find the full policies and rules here.