Private-funding got a big boost in September with a $15,000 donation from the Friends (wow!), which made up the largest portion of last month’s $19,230 total.
Have we mentioned that we have the best Friends? They work tirelessly throughout the year to support the library. Be sure to mark your calendar for their Holiday Book Sale on Friday, Dec. 3, from 6-8 p.m. at the library, or become a member for as little as $10 a year. Applications are available at the front desk.
Results also included healthy sales in the Friends’ Book Nook, general donations, cash receipts (printing revenue and fees for lost or damaged items), and $1,500 from an Ocean Spray grant approved earlier this year that is earmarked for the STEM workstation.
We should point out that the $85,521 total includes funds received from two grants and the gofundme fundraiser for the STEM workstation. Technically, this item is in addition to the yearly budget, so the adjusted total is $80,246, which means a gap of $27,788 to close with three months to go.
Watch your mail for this year’s annual fund letter, and please support the library however you can, or use the button below to contribute.
Also, be sure to let your local council members know you value the library and want to see adequate funding approved for next year. Use the links below for contact info or attend their local meetings.
Upper Milford (Board of Supervisors)