The private-funding thermometer rose by $13,723 in May, bringing the total to $58,886, or 43.2 percent of the goal.

Donations represented the largest portion, with more than $12.5K — including general gifts and United Way matching funds — making up the bulk of last month’s private-funding results.

Sales in the Friends’ Book Nook added $519, while general fundraising, including sales of EPL swag (such as our $10 canvas totes), contributed another $80.

Finally, cash receipts of $540 for lost and damaged items, printing/copying, and room rentals, rounded out the rest.

With seven months to go, the gap to the goal stands at $77,458.

Check back next month for results at the halfway mark. In the meantime, here’s a list of ways you can support the library throughout the year, including a one-time or recurring monthly donation in any amount, shopping at the Friends’ Book Nook, and gift books to honor loved ones.