The private-funding thermometer rose by $1,477 in July, bringing the total to $65,814, or 48.3 percent of the goal.

Donations, including contributions to the donation box, totaled $563. Fundraising income added another $130 last month.

Sales in the Friends’ Book Nook brought in $456, with cash receipts of $329 for lost and damaged items, printing/copying, and room rentals rounding out the rest.

The library also received $1005 from the Chamber Foundation–LV Chamber of Commerce for our Main Street landscaping project, which is looking beautiful! These Main Street Grant funds are separate from the private-funding goal—and also much appreciated.

With five months left to go, the gap to the goal stands at $70,530. Check back next month for August results.

Want to support the library? Sign up for the Friends’ bus trip to Lancaster on Oct. 31 to hear bestselling author Louise Penny! Not only does it promise to be a fun day out, but proceeds benefit the library.

You can also contribute by shopping at the Friends’ Book Nook, dedicating a gift book to a loved one, making a donation, and more.