Missed an issue of BELONG, our electronic newsletter? Click on a date or image below and get caught up — or go here to subscribe and get it in your inbox every two weeks!
February 3, 2025:
- Welcome our new director, Allison Floray
- Prize raffles added to Tee Time
- A Matter of Balance fall-prevention series starts March 13
- Thank you to our 2024 Annual Fund Campaign donors
- Feb 15: Spooky, silly stories with Denise McCormack
- On exhibit: Ilene Rubin paintings
- Events: Movie group, Alzheimers support & more
- Just added: 49 items
- New on Libby: 25 ebooks/audiobooks and 2 magazine titles
- Black History Month on hoopla & ‘reel romance’ on Kanopy
January 19, 2025:
- Get your Tee Time tickets!
- Jan. 28: Be part of the next Creative Play series
- Meet meLVin, the Lehigh Valley Phantoms mascot
- Update on book donations
- Teen volunteers wanted!
- February book clubs and movie group
- Private-funding update (2024 total)
- Events: Denise McCormack, Pinterest party & more
- Just added: 84 items
- New on Libby: 107 magazine titles
- MLK Jr. on Kanopy & Grammy nominees on hoopla
January 6, 2025:
- Tee Time tickets now on sale!
- 2024 staff & volunteer favorites
- Jan. 16: Author Lesa Cline-Ransome
- ART@EPL: Meet Ilene Rubin
- Creative Play @ The Family Place starts Jan. 28
- Pinterest Parties return in February!
- Events: Lunar New Year, meet MeLVin & more
- Just added: 60 items
- New on Libby: 9 audiobooks and 5 magazine titles
- B-film Bonanza on Kanopy & National Hobby Month on hoopla
December 18, 2024:
- Holiday hours
- Dec. 21: Teen event with local author Lisa MacDonald
- Jan. 16: Author Lesa Cline-Ransome
- January book clubs, movie group, and 2025 lineups
- Creative Play @ The Family Place returns in January
- November private-funding update
- PA Guardian Handbook available
- Events: Bilingual @ winter storytimes, your family tree & more
- Just added: 54 items
- New on Libby: 46 ebooks/audiobooks and 16 magazine titles
- Year’s most watched on Kanopy & NYE party music on hoopla
November 15, 2024:
- Thanksgiving holiday hours
- We’re accepting book donations again!
- Friends’ Holiday Book Sale
- Celebrate Old-Fashioned Christmas with us
- December book clubs and upcoming movie groups
- Sanctuary at Haafsville donation drive
- Friends’ jewelry fundraiser extended
- ART@EPL: Paintings by Keith Vogrin
- Events: Wolfenoot storytime, Lisa MacDonald & more
- Just added: 33 items
- New on Libby: 38 magazine titles
- Thanksgiving for Kids on hoopla
- It’s Toys for Tots time
November 1, 2024:
- Sanctuary at Haafsville donation drive
- Support the library’s annual fund
- November means dogs & dinosaurs
- ART@EPL: Paintings by Keith Vogrin
- Friends’ jewelry fundraiser extended, plus book sale info
- Events: Old-Fashioned Christmas, Tee Time 2025 & more
- Just added: 47 items
- New on Libby: 50 ebooks/audiobooks + 35 magazine titles
- Noirvember on Kanopy & Native American Heritage on Hoopla
October 19, 2024:
- Early closing today (Oct. 19)
- New time for today’s Peg Witch craft
- Trick or treat at the library Oct. 26-31
- Support the library’s annual fund campaign
- Free CPR training
- Dinosaur Dig with the Strakas
- Friends’ holiday book sale & jewelry fundraiser
- September private-funding update
- Events: Books & barks, block party, book clubs & more
- Just added: 97 items
- New on Libby: 17 ebooks/audiobooks + 116 magazine titles
- Our biggest Plant A Row season yet!
October 5, 2024:
- Plant A Row last collection
- Hot-air balloon burner demo
- Dinosaur Dig with the Strakas
- Craft a book witch for Halloween
- Fall + storytime: Perfect together
- ART@EPL: Paintings by Tom Zimmerman
- November book clubs and upcoming movie groups
- Donate your jewelry to the Friends
- Events: CPR training, crochet, peg witches & more
- Just added: 59 items
- New on Libby: 23 ebooks/audiobooks + 7 magazine titles
- Cookbooks on Hoopla and Fright Fest on Kanopy
September 20, 2024:
- EPL seeks Library Director
- Library Card Sign-Up Month
- Oct. 3: Community Heroes Day
- Oct. 5: Hot-Air Balloon Burner Demo
- Nov. 2: Dinosaur Dig with the Strakas
- Oct. 7: Plant A Row last collection
- Friends’ jewelry fundraiser
- August private-funding update
- Events: Tooth talk, book witches & more
- Just added: 75 items
- New on Libby: 37 ebooks/audiobooks + 2 magazine titles
- Banned Books Week on Hoopla
September 8, 2024 (web version not available):
- It’s Library Card Sign-Up Month!
- October book clubs & upcoming movie discussions
- New book-club totes added
- Fall storytimes abound
- ART@EPL: Paintings by Tom Zimmerman
- Oct. 3: Save the date for Community Heroes Day
- Events: Animals in winter, hot-air balloon demo & more
- Just added: 97 items
- New on Libby: 9 ebooks/audiobooks + 65 magazine titles
- Hispanic Heritage on Hoopla & Sci-Fi on Kanopy
August 16, 2024:
- Labor Day holiday schedule
- BELONG is moving to a new home
- Aug. 17: SAT Prep with Heather Krey
- Aug. 17: Last day to log your SRC hours
- See author Louise Penny — Live in Lancaster
- Sept. 7: Drawing caricatures with Alex Clare
- Plant A Row holiday schedule
- September book club and movie group
- July private-funding update
- Rep. Wild’s Constituent Office Hours discontinued
- Events: Summer’s last storytime, Andy the Armadillo & more
- Just added: 34 items
- New on Libby: 35 ebooks/audiobooks + 150 magazine titles
- All things British & back to school on Hoopla
August 4, 2024:
- Aug. 8: Creative Play for toddlers (and their siblings)
- Aug. 17: SAT Prep with Heather Krey
- Play Percy Jackson Dungeons & Dragons
- Aug. 12: Art Talk with Cindy Karchner
- Aug. 17 & 24: Watercolor with Drew Tilton
- Two more weeks of SRC & big thanks to our sponsors!
- Events: August movies, scouting, camping & more
- Just added: 42 items
- New on Libby: 16 ebooks/audiobooks + 5 magazine titles
- Family fun on Hoopla & action films on Kanopy
July 21, 2024:
- Plant A Row volunteers needed for Aug. 5 & 12
- July 29: Foster Care Awareness
- Creative Play at The Family Place starts Aug. 8
- Meet the Artist: Cindy Karchner
- It’s not too late to join Summer Reading Club!
- June private-funding update
- New museum pass: Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center
- Events: Kids’ writing, origami, all things yellow & more
- Just added: 62 items
- New on Libby: 46 ebooks/audiobooks + 1 magazine title
- Disability Awareness movies on Kanopy
July 7, 2024:
- July 15: Managing Mental Wellness
- Get your Passport to Adventure!
- Plant A Row & Groceries PLUS collections
- Summer Reading Club Q&A
- August book club and movie
- ART@EPL: Cindy Karchner’s hummingbird photos
- ART@EPL: Watercolor workshop with Drew Tilton
- Explore a museum this summer
- Events: Creative play, SAT prep & more
- Just added: 83 items
- New on Libby: 104 ebooks/audiobooks + 81 magazine titles
- Christmas in July on Hoopla
June 21, 2024:
- Passport to Adventure summer challenge
- Plant A Row & Groceries PLUS collections
- Catch the Summer Reading wave!
- Summer events at the Macungie Institute
- Creative Play at The Family Place
- May private-funding update
- Events: Climate-change camp, movies, crafts & more
- Just added: 70 items
- New on Libby: 6 ebooks/audiobooks + 144 magazine titles
- New! National Geographic Archives (1888-2020)
June 7, 2024:
- Next Friday — meet our new director, Lisa Underwood
- June 10: Plant A Row collection & volunteers needed
- SRC is off and running — sign up today!
- July 8-11: Climate Change STEM Mini-Camp
- Summer Adventure & Bilingual Storytimes
- Monday Matinee family films all summer
- Summer Sewing Adventures for teens & tweens
- July book club & movie group
- Main Street landscape project continues
- Events: Staying safe, mental wellness, pastel workshop & more
- Just added: 68 items
- New on Libby: 75 audiobooks/ebooks + 3 magazine titles
- Summer reading on Hoopla & Pride Month on Kanopy
May 24, 2024:
- Memorial Day holiday hours
- It’s almost time for Summer Reading Club!
- Sprucing up our Main Street grounds
- June 14: Meet our new director, Lisa Underwood
- July 13 & 20: Pastel Landscapes with Marianne Knipe
- Summer sewing events for kids and teens
- Plant A Row collections begin June 10
- Events: Summer storytimes, movies, monarchs & more
- Just added: 59 items
- New on Libby: 40 audiobooks/ebooks + 25 magazine titles
- Mental health awareness on Hoopla & classic films on Kanopy
May 10, 2024:
- Memorial Day holiday hours
- A Matter of Balance fall-prevention series
- May 18: Hellbenders! Girl Scouts puppet show
- June 8: Felting with Barbara Kozero
- ART@EPL: Meet Mary Millan Klunk
- June book clubs and movie events
- Events: Meet the director, gardening for kids and more
- April private-funding update
- Just added: 100 items
- New on Libby: 46 audiobooks/ebooks + 30 magazine titles
- Pokémon BingePass on Hoopla & Moms on Kanopy
April 26, 2024:
- May 10 delayed opening (12 PM)
- Book donations on hold until further notice
- May 9: Dementia Spouse Coffee Talk
- May 13: History of Lehigh County
- New! KidSpeak™ language learning for kids
- Events: Kite Craft, May the Fourth spaceships and more
- ART@EPL: Final days of Printmakers Society exhibit
- Just added: 88 items
- New on Libby: 17 audiobooks/ebooks + 1 magazine title
- Bonus Borrows on Hoopla and Musicals on Kanopy
April 12, 2024:
- Don’t miss the Friends’ Spring Used Book Sale
- Donate your eclipse glasses
- May 10 delayed opening (12 PM)
- You now have access to 1.4 million items!
- May book clubs and movie group
- ART@EPL: Printmakers Society of the Lehigh Valley
- Events: Caring for Dementia, May the Fourth and more
- March private-funding update
- Just added: 67 items
- New on Libby: 36 audiobooks/ebooks + 91 magazines
- Celebrate Earth Day and Anime Day with Hoopla and Kanopy
March 29, 2024:
- Visit us at the Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow!
- April 8 solar eclipse viewing party and glasses
- Make a mini library for National Library Week
- Don’t miss the Friends’ Used Book Sale April 19 & 20
- Are you ready to vote? Important dates to know
- ART@EPL: Printmakers Society of the Lehigh Valley
- Events: Spouse coffee talk, mushroom craft & more
- Just added: 58 items
- Coming soon to Libby: 25 more audiobooks
- April highlights on Hoopla and Kanopy
March 17, 2024:
- Tee Time was a hole in one!
- Spring storytime starts March 27
- Start your garden with free seeds
- April book clubs & new monthly movie group
- Events: Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt, solar eclipse & more
- February private-funding update
- Just added: 99 items
- New on Libby: 16 ebooks/audiobooks + 49 magazines
- Get crafty with Hoopla
- Empower your little big dreamer
March 3, 2024:
- Tee up some weekend fun March 8 & 9!
- Join us Tuesday for the next parent & child series
- New book totes for book clubs
- Events: Adult show & tell, spring storytime & more
- January private-funding article
- Just added: 146 items
- New on Libby: 57 ebooks/audiobooks + 5 magazines
- Women’s History & Westerns on Hoopla & Kanopy
- ART@EPL: Barbara Kozero & Drew Tilton
February 18, 2024:
- Live music & raffles added to Tee Time!
- Join the next parent & child workshop series
- Save the date: Friends’ Spring Book Sale
- Need home delivery of library items?
- March book clubs
- Events: Climate change, drumming for kids & more
- ART@EPL: Barbara Kozero & Drew Tilton
- Just added: 120 items
- New on Libby: 26 ebooks/audiobooks + 65 magazines
- New! Filmocracy & Fret Zealot Hoopla BingePasses
February 4, 2024:
- Meet our new director
- Get your Tee Time tickets!
- Where to get tax forms and help
- The daytime book club recommends…
- Events: Dementia caregiving, The Rainbow Fish & more
- Private-funding update (2023 total)
- Just added: 74 items
- New on Libby: 91 ebooks/audiobooks + 298 magazines
- Black History Month & Valentine’s Day on Hoopla & Kanopy
January 26, 2024 (special issue):
- A look back, a look ahead
- By the numbers: 2023 vs. 2022
- Thank you to our Annual Fund donors!
- There was always something fun going on…
- We loved being a part of the community…
- And we still have the best ‘Friends’ and volunteers…
- But wait…there’s more!
- What’s ahead in 2024
January 13, 2024:
- We’re open on MLK Day (Jan. 15)
- Kristin Hannah bus trip is sold out
- Wanted: Teen volunteers
- Get your Tee Time tickets!
- February book clubs
- Events: American Sign Language, stamp art and more
- Join the next Parent & Child Workshop Series
- ART@EPL: Kyriakos and Hoffer exhibit extended
- Just added: 54 items
- New on Libby: 4 ebooks/audiobooks + 65 magazines
- NEW! Pinkalicious & Fancy Nancy Hoopla BingePasses
December 28, 2023:
- Holiday hours
- 2023 staff & volunteer favorites
- Kristin Hannah tickets are going fast
- January at the library: Events for everyone
- Two months ’til Tee Time!
- November private-funding update
- ART@EPL: Georgio Kyriakos and Peter Hoffer
- Just added: 58 items
- New on Libby: 32 ebooks/audiobooks + 3 magazines
- Own the new year with Hoopla and Kanopy
- Is 2024 the year for a new job?
December 12, 2023:
- Holiday hours
- Help fill the Toys for Tots boxes!
- See author Kristin Hannah — Live in Lancaster
- Featured events (Pinterest Parties return in January!)
- January book clubs
- Don’t miss the last parent-child workshop tomorrow
- Dec. 23 Zumba session added
- ART@EPL: Georgio Kyriakos and Peter Hoffer
- Just added: 73 items
- New on Libby: 5 ebooks/audiobooks + 89 magazines
- Most popular of 2023 on Hoopla and Kanopy
- Events: Zoom basics, caregiver support and more
November 25, 2023:
- Don’t miss the Friends’ Holiday Book Sale!
- Nov. 30 is last day to donate jewelry for Friends’ fundraiser
- Friends’ Lancaster bus trip to Kristin Hannah event
- Share your love for EPL on GivingTuesday (Nov. 28)
- There’s still time to join the parent-child workshops
- Pennie® help at the library
- October private-funding update
- ART@EPL in November: William DeRaymond
- Tee Time tix make great stocking stuffers
- Just added: 52 items
- New on Libby: 19 ebooks/audiobooks + 23 magazines
- Bring on the holiday spirit with Hoopla
- Home viewing for the holidays on Kanopy
- Events: Old-Fashioned Christmas and more
November 10, 2023:
- Thanksgiving holiday hours
- Friends’ holiday book sale is free for all (not just members)
- Donate unwanted jewelry to the Friends’ fundraiser all month
- Parent-child workshops start Tuesday
- December book clubs & 2024 daytime lineup
- ART@EPL: Meet William DeRaymond
- Featured events
- Bonus borrows & Thanksgiving for Kids on Hoopla
- Enjoy NoirVember films on Kanopy
- Just added: 68 items
- New on Libby: 25 ebooks/audiobooks + 42 magazines
- Events: Caregiver support, crochet club and more
- Give thanks in more than 100 languages (new e-resource!)
October 27, 2023:
- Trick or treat at the library!
- Free parent-child workshops start Nov. 14
- Featured events & Tee Time 2024 dates
- Donate unwanted jewelry to the Friends
- Don’t miss the Friends’ holiday book sale
- Visit a museum this fall
- Catch the last days of October’s ART@EPL exhibit
- Just added: 70 items
- New on Libby: 17 ebooks/audiobooks + 88 magazines
- Events: Book clubs, pajama day and more
- We dare you not to scream
October 13, 2023:
- Get your eclipse glasses at the library
- Trick or Treat Oct. 21-31!
- Oct. 21: Owls, with Lehigh County Conservation District
- Oct. 23: Haunted Transportation with L’Aura Hladik Hoffman
- More Yoga Storytimes with Larissa Noto added
- Sign up for Parent & Child workshops
- Teen Zumba® with Jennifer Baltan starts Nov. 4
- Friends’ jewelry fundraiser and holiday book sale
- ART@EPL: Emilie Hempstead & Hence Bollinger
- September private-funding update
- November book clubs
- Just added: 64 items
- New on Libby: 83 ebooks/audiobooks + 35 magazines
- Events: Ghostbusters, email basics and more
- Halloween for kids on Hoopla
September 29, 2023:
- Plant A Row season is a wrap
- Thursday (Oct. 5) is Community Heroes Day
- Enter the Banned Books Week contest
- March with us in the Halloween parades!
- The Friends want your book donations
- Teen Zumba® with Jennifer Baltan starts Nov. 4
- Join us for the next Parent & Child workshop series
- Computer/digital literacy classes start Oct. 9
- ART@EPL: Meet Emilie Hempstead & Hence Bollinger
- Just added: 55 items
- New on Libby: 32 ebooks/audiobooks + 25 magazines
- Events: Owls, haunted transportation and more
- Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Hoopla
September 15, 2023:
- Maryellen’s farewell message
- Community Heroes Day is Oct. 5!
- Oct. 9: Historical Lehigh in pictures
- Fall storytimes, Madame Butterfly and more family fun
- Celebrate library card sign-up month
- Sign up for computer workshops
- August private-funding update
- Just added: 106 items
- New on Libby: 14 ebooks/audiobooks + 78 magazines
- New Hoopla BingePasses: Puzzle Palace and Comics Kingdom
- Events: Book witch, affordable internet and more
September 1, 2023:
- Labor Day holiday schedule
- Plant A Row pickup moved to Sept. 5 (Tuesday)
- September is library card sign-up month
- Computer & digital literacy workshops start Oct. 9
- Oct. 5: Save the date for Community Heroes Day
- October book clubs
- Just added: 80 items
- New on Libby: 20 ebooks/audiobooks + 24 magazines
- It’s Sci-fi September on Kanopy
- Events: Puppet show, afternoon storytime and more
- Internet to go
August 18, 2023:
- Labor Day holiday schedule
- Our biggest Summer Reading Club yet!
- Aug. 24: SRC Closing Party with the Lehigh Valley Zoo
- Sept. 9: Don’t Be a Bully, You Chicken!
- ART@EPL: Dana Van Horn and Drew Tilton
- July private-funding update
- Just added: 70 items
- New on Libby: 5 eBooks/audiobooks + 86 magazines
- Everything Barbie(TM) on Hoopla, including the movie soundtrack
- Events: Read to the dogs, make a yarn wall hanging and more
- Have a Civil War buff in your family? Visit PA Photos & Documents
August 4, 2023:
- Aug. 5: Going off-planet, with NASA Ambassador Marty McGuire
- Aug. 12 is the last day to log SRC hours
- Aug. 24: It’s a Zoo in here! (SRC Closing Party)
- A Matter of Balance update
- Aug. 7 Pinterest Party: Painted tile coasters
- ART@EPL: Drew Tilton and Dana Van Horn exhibits
- September book club and movie
- Just added: 69 items
- Over on Libby, Hoopla and Kanopy…
- Events: Biodiversity, puppet show and more
- Did you know…
July 21, 2023:
- A Matter of Balance fall-prevention series
- The LV Zoo is coming to the library!
- Thank you to our SRC sponsors
- Emmaus Garden Show & flower arranging for kids
- Space travel with Marty McGuire
- Biodiversity with Lehigh County Conservation District
- ART@EPL updates
- June private-funding update
- Just added: 83 items
- New on Libby: 129 eBooks/audiobooks + 157 magazines
- Events: Crochet, yoga storytime and more
- Empower your little explorer with their own SHARE card
July 7, 2023:
- July 17: Lincoln at Gettysburg
- 7/11 Yoga storytime cancelled; new date added 8/22
- Volunteer needed for Plant A Row Aug. 7 & 14
- There’s still time to join Summer Reading Club
- Sign up for Drew Tilton’s Aug. 12 watercolor workshop
- View the Kat Collins art exhibit this month
- August book club and movie
- July teen events
- Featured children’s events
- Just added: 87 items
- New on Libby: 37 eBooks/audiobooks + 3 magazines
- Recurring events: Pinterest, career coaching and more
- Christmas in July on Hoopla
June 25, 2023:
- Summer Reading Club myths debunked
- Affordable Connectivity Program provides internet & device savings
- Meet animator Eddie Fitzgerald and author Bob Boehmer
- Sign up for summer art workshops
- Juy 17: Lincoln at Gettysburg
- July teen events
- Learn about oil spills with Wildlands Conservancy
- May private-funding update
- Just added: 58 items
- New on Libby: 14 eBooks/audiobooks + 20 magazines
- Events: Jaws, wetlands, game night and more
- Do you know about live online chess tutoring?
June 8, 2023:
- SRC 2023: All Together Now
- Attend the next community forum June 13
- Plant A Row collections start June 12
- July 5: Hollywood animator Eddie Fitzgerald
- July 15: Local author Bob Boehmer
- Nature summer events for kids
- ART@EPL: new Barry Assed paintings and David Smith art glass
- Mixed Media with Kat Collins registration open
- Summertime means storytime — and yoga!
- July book club and movie
- Just added: 74 items
- New on Libby: 24 eBooks/audiobooks + 85 magazines
- Events: sewing, silent reading party, Lincoln & more
May 25, 2023:
- Memorial Day holiday hours
- Come to the Summer Reading Kickoff Party June 17
- Check out our colorful windows!
- EPL volunteers named Unsung Heroes
- The long-range planning committee wants your input
- ART@EPL: paintings, art glass, and mixed media class
- Get ready for summer & yoga storytimes
- Sew good events for kids and teens
- Just added: 57 items
- Our Libby, Hoopla and Kanopy collections are open 24/7
- Events: Kids’ nature and science events & more
- Planning a summer getaway?
May 13, 2023:
- May 19 early closing and Memorial Day holiday hours
- Add your input to help bring EPL’s future into focus
- Meet Star Wars characters May 20!
- Preserve your memories with Melissa Draving May 23
- Engaging Beyond Our Walls: Art that talks
- April private-funding update
- Summer sewing & quilting events for kids and teens
- New museum pass: Mütter Museum
- June book club & movie
- Just added: 93 items
- New on Libby: 30 eBooks/audiobooks + 64 magazines
- Events: SRC kickoff, yoga for kids, and more
- Did you know?
April 28, 2023:
- May 20: Come and meet Star Wars characters!
- May 6: Star Wars movies, costume contest & cookie exchange
- Pick up your ‘free trees for kids’ order
- Missed the book sale? Shop at the Book Nook
- May 23: Preserve your memories with Melissa Draving
- Have you switched to Libby yet? (OverDrive retires May 1)
- ART@EPL: Joseph Skrapits exhibit begins May 3
- Just added: 89 items
- New on Libby: 53 eBooks/audiobooks + 2 magazines
- Early closing May 19 for volunteer recognition event
- Events: PC classes, book clubs, movies and more
- Did you know?
April 14, 2023:
- It’s time for the BIG book sale!
- Free Kona Ice on Tax Day April 18
- Celebrate National Library Week
- Special Biodiversity Storytime April 19
- May the Fourth Be With You = twice the fun
- Starting your garden? Get free seeds
- March private-funding update
- May book clubs and movies
- Just added: 54 items
- New on Libby: 40 eBooks/audiobooks + 89 magazines
- Events: Working with apps, books & barks and more
- Got Teens? Check out Education Planner
- March 30, 2023:
- Donate your unwanted jewelry by March 31
- Let’s write! Writing events for kids April 1
- Elevate your career with one-on-one coaching
- Don’t miss the spring computer-class series
- April showers…Kanopy style
- The Friends’ Spring Book Sale is just three weeks away
- ART@EPL: Carolyn Spivak and ELY exhibit continues through April
- Just added: 81 items
- New on Libby: 32 eBooks/audiobooks + 5 magazines
- Events: spring craft, cashing in, genealogy and more
- Thanks for a Tee-rrific Time!
- March 15, 2023:
- It’s almost Tee Time!
- Saturday: Dress as your favorite woman in history
- Students from St. Ann’s & DeSales performing at EPL
- Show & Tell for grown-ups
- Cash in on your ‘stuff’
- February private-funding update
- Friends of EPL: Bus trip, bling, and spring book sale
- April book clubs and movies
- Get crafty with Hoopla
- Just added: 75 items
- New on Libby: 40 eBooks/audiobooks + 18 magazines
- Events: PC basics, career coaching, kids writing & more
- March 5, 2023:
- Tee Time is less than 3 weeks away!
- Computer/Digital Literacy Workshops return in April
- More museum passes added
- Bus trip to Morgan Library in NYC
- Donate used jewelry and shop the Friends’ book sale
- ART@EPL: Carolyn Spivak and ELY
- Just added: 66 items
- New on Libby: 39 eBooks/audiobooks + 55 magazines
- Events: show & tell for adults, St. Ann’s singers and more
- February 17, 2023:
- More museum passes added
- Free trees to kids for Earth Day
- Just two more parent-child workshops left
- March book clubs and movies
- Tee Time minus 5 weeks — help deck out the course!
- Join us for Snowblast 2.0 on March 4
- January private-funding update
- Friends’ jewelry fundraiser & spring book sale
- Just added: 82 items
- New on Libby: 229 eBooks/audiobooks + 10 magazines
- Events: Game night, shamrock craft and more
- February 3, 2023:
- SnowBlast library events still on!
- ‘My first library card’ is here!
- ART@EPL: Meet Kara Coleman
- There’s still time to join Parent & child workshops
- Tee Time tickets and sponsors
- New Hoopla BingePasses & bonus borrows
- Just added: 105 items
- New on Libby: 49 eBooks/audiobooks + 67 magazines
- Events: Jeffrey Dutt teacher talk, Pinterest hearts and more
- Did you know…?
- January 21, 2023:
- SnowBlast is coming Feb. 4!
- Presenters added to parent & child workshops
- February book clubs…and movies
- Yingling to play at Tee Time March 24
- Calling all teachers: Meet author Jeff Dutt
- Private-funding update: 2022 total
- Just added: 125 items
- New on Libby: 57 eBooks/audiobooks + 55 magazines
- Events: Game night, iPad/iPhone basics and more
- How much are you saving with your library card?
- January 13, 2023 (special issue):
- By the numbers: 2022 vs. 2021
- Thank you to our Annual Fund donors!
- Let’s roll the highlights: This was new in ’22…
- There was always something fun going on…
- We loved being a part of the community…
- Last but not least…
- What’s ahead in 2023
- By the numbers: 2022 vs. 2021
- December 30, 2022:
- Holiday hours
- Ring in the New Year with Hoopla
- 2022 staff & volunteer favorites
- Don’t miss the last digital literacy classes
- Family fun in January
- Join our next parent-child series
- ART@EPL: Ro Geseck exhibit extended
- Just added: 48 items
- New on Libby: 10 eBooks/audiobooks + 2 magazines
- Adult & teen events: writing, book clubs and more
- Did you know…
- December 17, 2022:
- Holiday hours
- New: WiFi hotspots
- Winter storytime begins Jan. 4
- Join the next parent-child workshop series
- ART@EPL: Meet Rosemary Geseck
- November private-funding update
- January book clubs
- Just added: 45 items
- New on Libby: 26 eBooks/audiobooks + 20 magazines
- Events: PC basics, movie matinée and more
- Did you know…
- December 2, 2022:
- The Friends’ Holiday Book Sale is here…
- Celebrate Old-Fashioned Christmas Saturday (Dec. 3)
- Come to our Pinterest and wrapping parties!
- Sign up for December’s Digital Literacy workshops
- ART@EPL in December: Rosemary Geseck
- Toys for Tots countdown
- JobNow expert job matching and live coaching
- Just added: 44 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 53 eBooks/audiobooks + 65 magazines
- Events: Fall prevention, opioid safety and more
- Did you know…
- November 16, 2022:
- Drop in for STEM fun with marshmallows tonight!
- Closing at 5 p.m. Nov. 21 for new desk
- Thanksgiving holiday hours
- Shop the Friends’ book sale Dec. 2
- October private-funding update
- December book clubs
- Masterclass is now on Hoopla
- Just added: 72 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 29 eBooks/audiobooks
- Events: Wolfenoot, Cybersecurity, Pinterest & more
- Did you know…
- November 5, 2022:
- Our new desk is coming Nov. 22 (early closing Nov. 21)
- ART@EPL: Meet Charlie Daniels
- Learn Internet Basics and more starting Nov. 7
- Get help tracing your ancestry
- Friends’ Holiday Book Sale Dec. 2
- Save the date for the 3rd Annual Tee Time at the Library
- Just added: 61 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 95 eBooks/audiobooks + 53 Magazines
- Hoopla has bonus borrows all month!
- Events: kid writers, STEM fun & more
- Help fill the Toys for Tots boxes
- October 21, 2022:
- Frightfully good stories with the LV Storytelling Guild Oct. 29
- Trick or Treat all week! (Oct. 24-31)
- Unsure about health insurance? Pennie® can help
- Sign up for Internet Basics Nov. 7
- Come Write In November: Events for ALL ages
- September private-funding update
- Rosetta Stone access ends Dec. 31
- Just added: 135 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 15 eBooks/audiobooks + 6 Magazines
- Get one-on-one Libby help with Lauri
- Events: November book clubs, Pinterest party & more
- Save the date…Friends’ Holiday Book Sale Dec. 2
- It’s Toys for Tots time!
- October 8, 2022:
- March with us in the Emmaus Halloween Parade!
- Sign up for free computer/digital literacy workshops
- Walking safety for kids Oct. 15
- Ready for some football? How about some ghosts?
- ART@EPL: Meet Lori Beneyton
- Free live online tutoring & homework help
- Just added: 140 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 49 eBooks/audiobooks + 4 Magazines
- eBooks & eMagazines for Minecrafters
- Events: Spoooky stories, Pennie® help & more
- Another banner season for Plant A Row
- September 22, 2022:
- Last day to recommend 2022 purchases: Sept. 26
- Last Plant A Row collection: Sept. 26
- Celebrate Community Heroes Day: Oct. 6
- Fall storytime starts Oct. 5 with special guest Kristin Pedemonti!
- Enter the Library Card Sign-Up Month raffles
- STEM fun with Barry Isett engineers
- Swap your art & craft supplies Oct. 8
- How Native Americans saved football: Oct. 10
- Just added: 139 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 64 eBooks/audiobooks + 9 Magazines
- Events: Witch craft, ghosts, safe kids & more
- Access the Morning Call free from anywhere
- September 8, 2022:
- Library closed Friday (Sept. 9) for fall cleaning
- Enter the Library Card Sign-Up Month raffles
- Free notary service now available by appointment
- Don’t miss the Julie Bell storytime Sept. 17
- ART@EPL: Meet Pat Slavek
- August private-funding update
- Just added: 68 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 28 eBooks/audiobooks + 18 Magazines
- Events: October book clubs, fall storytimes & more
- Save the date for Community Heroes Day Oct. 6
- August 25, 2022:
- Labor Day holiday hours
- Library closed Sept. 9 (Friday) for fall cleaning
- Evening book club start date and lineup
- July private-funding update
- Check out BookFlix for kids
- Just added: 85 items
- New on Libby/OverDrive: 34 eBooks/audiobooks + 199 Magazines
- Events: Parent-child sessions and storytimes wrap up & more
- Thinking about a career in nursing? Check out LearnNow
- August 11, 2022:
- Summer Reading Club 2022 wraps up Aug. 13
- 8/20 SRC Closing: Luau party & Moana
- Join us for the last three parent-child workshops
- RSVP for Lisa Fraenkel Mosaic Workshop Sept. 10
- Just added: 103 items + 106 eBooks
- Hoopla has bonus borrows in August!
- Events: September book club, teen crafting and more
- Keep those veggies coming…
- July 29, 2022 (we’re 100!):
- Please take a 1-minute survey
- Family Place parent-child sessions start Aug. 2
- Join the Zoo-Poetics workshop tomorrow (July 30)
- Come hear pro storyteller Denise McCormack Aug. 4
- The Yippee Show Puppets present Rumpledillskin Aug. 6
- ART@EPL: Meet John Sauerzopf
- We still have a few Iron Pigs tickets for Aug. 5
- Save the date: SRC closing luau party & movie Aug. 20
- Just added: 87 items + 46 eBooks
- Events: August movies, teen animé and more
- It’s our 100th issue!
- July 15, 2022:
- Special storytime and free vision screenings July 27
- Susan Wild’s in-person constituent services come to EPL
- Play & learn at the Parent & Child Workshop Series
- Order your Iron Pigs tickets by 7/22
- June private-funding update
- Just added: 100 items + 92 eBooks
- Kids’ writing events: Come Write In & Zoo-Poetics
- Events: Storyteller Denise, August book club & more
- There’s still time to join SRC!
- June 30, 2022:
- 4th of July holiday schedule
- Next Plant A Row pickup July 5 (Tuesday)
- Free parent-child workshops coming in August
- ART@EPL: Meet Nancy Bossert; attend her workshop & art talk
- Don’t miss the LV Zoo at EPL July 12
- We’re going to the Iron Pigs!
- Have you joined Summer Reading Club yet?
- Just added: 95 items + 48 eBooks
- Events: NASA’s shrinking island, bubble party and more
- June 16, 2022:
- It’s SRC kickoff time!
- Summer Reading Club 2022 is here
- NY Aquarium ‘Spineless’ virtual tour June 21
- LV Zoo comes to EPL July 12
- May private-funding update
- Just added: 85 items + 32 eBooks
- Plant A Row collections begin June 27
- Events: ART@EPL, Pinterest, scavenger hunts and more
- June 2, 2022:
- Summer Reading Club (for all ages) starts June 13
- See you at the SRC Kickoff Party June 18
- Wanted: Macungie Borough resident to join EPL board
- ‘Unity’ turns 50
- Just added: 83 items + 8 eBooks
- Celebrate PRIDE month at EPL with author Robin Gow
- This summer, start your week off with a movie…
- …and join Miss Sue for ‘Oceans of Possibilities’ storytime
- Events: July book club, teen animé and more
- May 22, 2022:
- Memorial Day holiday schedule
- In-person Pinterest parties return in June!
- Read for BINGO this summer
- April private-funding update
- ART@EPL Nancy Bossert events and updates
- Just added: 102 items + 36 eBooks
- Get your Hoopla bonus borrows before they’re gone
- Events: SRC kickoff, story times, summer movies and more
- May 6, 2022:
- Book donations on hold until June
- ART@EPL in May: Terrill Johnson exhibit, art talk & caricature workshop
- ART@EPL summer workshops and art talks
- Save the date for the Summer Reading kickoff party!
- Summer storytime offered in person and online
- Just added: 74 items + 60 eBooks
- New resources for job seekers, graduates and students
- Events: Mental illness, June book club and more
- Join the new weekly crochet club
- April 22, 2022:
- Shop the Friends’ Used Book Sale this weekend
- Eat, drink and play mini-golf inside the library next weekend
- Meet (and hear poetry by) Rob Fillman April 25
- ART@EPL Caricature Workshop & Art Talk with Terrill Johnson
- Just added: 75 items + 52 eBooks
- March private-funding update
- Events: Star Wars, Libby, gardening for kids & more
- ‘Free Trees for Kids’ arrive next week!
- April 11, 2022:
- Get the last seats for artist Robert Beck tonight (4/11)
- Tee Time’s almost here — get your tickets!
- Don’t miss the Friends’ Used Book Sale — April 22 & 23
- ART@EPL: Meet Pam Albert & Kristine Miller-Siple
- May book clubs
- Just added: 94 items + 14 eBooks
- Learn how to use Libby for digital books, audiobooks & magazines
- Events: Poet Rob Fillman, preventing domestic violence, and more
- Emmaus Community Garden kids’ events at EPL April 27 & May 7
- March 27, 2022:
- Federal tax forms and instructions are in
- The life of a WWII B-17 pilot — April 4
- ART@EPL: Robert Beck Art Talk — April 11
- Friends’ Used Book Sale — April 22 & 23
- Acoustic Blues Project to play at Tee Time April 29
- Just added: 65 items + 55 eBooks
- February private-funding update
- Events: Kids write, film chat, poetry & more
- Hoopla 7-day BingePass: Curiosity Stream & Great Courses
- March 13, 2022:
- Spring@EPL preview
- ART@EPL: Meet Laura Brady
- Just added: 109 items + 118 eBooks
- April book clubs and new book tote titles
- More free seeds added – pick some up!
- Bookmark contest for kids and teens
- Celebrate Women’s History Month with Hoopla & Kanopy
- February 23, 2022:
- Where to get tax forms and help
- Free trees to kids for Earth Day (register by 2/28)
- Celebrate SnowBlast March 5!
- January private-funding update
- Just added: 114 items + 60 eBooks
- How to view your checkout history
- In-person toddler storytime extended through May 10
- Events: New monthly film chats, book bingo & more
- February 8, 2022:
- DeSales U previews Alice in Wonderland Feb. 19
- ART@EPL: Meet Kat Collins and Amanda D’Agostino
- Get your garden started with free seeds
- Just added: 66 items + 24 eBooks
- Hoopla has bonus borrows in February
- March book clubs
- Events: SnowBlast, Frozen II, Valentine’s movie & more
- Design and decorate a golf hole for Tee Time
- January 24, 2022:
- NEW! Kanopy streaming service
- Ready to give up on your new year’s resolutions?
- On exhibit through Feb. 1: Art by LAA juried show winners
- New toddler storytime (in person) starts Feb. 1
- Private-funding update: 2021 total
- Just added: 158 items + 98 eBooks
- February book clubs
- Events: Teen driving, Alice in Wonderland & more
- SnowBlast postponed to March 5
- January 14, 2022 (special issue):
- By the numbers: 2021 vs. 2020
- A lot of new things came to EPL in 2021…
- It was also a very busy place all year long…
- We loved being a part of the community…
- Last but not least…
- What’s ahead in 2022
- By the numbers: 2021 vs. 2020
- December 30, 2021:
- New Year’s holiday hours
- Jan. 10: ART@EPL Art Talks – Revisiting Picasso
- Jan. 17: The life of a WWII B-17 pilot
- Jan. 24: Get organized for 2022
- 2021 staff & volunteer favorites
- November private funding & STEM workstation updates
- Just added: 82 items + 93 eBooks
- January book clubs & future selections
- Events: New Zoom storytime, Luca, in-person board games & more
- Craft: Let it snow inside with 3D snowflakes
- December 3, 2021:
- Kick off a festive weekend at the Friends’ Holiday Book Sale
- Celebrate Old Fashioned Christmas & make an ornament for the tree
- ART@EPL: Meet Barbara Tracy
- Remember to pick up your library card if you applied online
- Just added: 85 items + 93 eBooks
- Watch Hallmark Channel movies on Hoopla
- Research your family tree with Chris Appleby
- Events: Last-minute wrapping, book clubs & more
- Toys for Tots — you still have time!
- November 13, 2021:
- Get a free flu shot Nov. 15 (Monday)
- Explore your health insurance options & financial assistance
- The Friends’ Holiday Book Sale is back!
- ART@EPL: Meet Brenda Gadow
- Habitat for Humanity auction items on display
- Just added: 173 items + 61 eBooks
- October private-funding & STEM workstation updates
- Events: DiNovember, Old Fashioned Christmas & more
- The Toys for Tots boxes are here!
- Thanksgiving holiday hours
- October 29, 2021:
- Silly & Spooky Hallowe’en Tales
- Trick or Treat at the library
- Get your free flu shot Nov. 15
- What’s next in your book series?
- Just added: 140 items + 95 eBooks
- Events: health info day, Dec. book clubs & more
- Woohoo – we won 1st prize in the Halloween Parade!
- October 12, 2021:
- We’ve spiced up our catalog — say hello to ChiliPAC
- Art@EPL: Meet Chris Hunsicker
- Meet author Dan Yaccarino this Thursday Oct. 14
- September private-funding & STEM workstation updates
- Just added: 85 items + 221 eBooks
- Free flu vaccines Nov. 15 at the library
- Events: block party returns, Nov. book clubs & more
- Wow – that’s a lot of veggies!
- September 26, 2021:
- Fall in ‘love at first line’ during National Book Month
- Community Heroes Day is back!
- Meet children’s book author & illustrator Dan Yaccarino
- August private-funding & STEM workstation updates
- Just added: 147 items + 82 eBooks
- Play Fall Book Bingo
- Take two: Sept. 27 (tomorrow!) is the final Plant A Row collection
- Fall Zoom Storytime begins Oct. 6
- Events: make yarn pumpkins, organize your photos & more
- March with us in the Halloween parade!
- September 8, 2021:
- We’re now a fine-free library!
- It’s Library Card Sign-up Month
- Are you eligible for the expanded Child Tax Credit?
- ART@EPL: Meet Deborah Haaf
- Just added: 55 items + 316 eBooks
- LawDepot now available free on Libby
- Last Plant A Row Collection is Sept. 13
- Events: Fall storytime, Alzheimer’s support, Community Heroes & more
- We’re open Fridays!
- August 21, 2021:
- Labor Day holiday hours
- Opening Fridays starting in September!
- Evening book club returns this fall
- July private-funding & STEM workstation updates
- Just added: 73 items
- Plant A Row date change and check-in
- New: A-Z World Foods & World Culture
- Events: Get good at delegating, find your ancestors & more
- SRC 2021 is a wrap!
- Labor Day holiday hours
- August 05, 2021:
- Mask update (effective 8/4)
- Add more fun to your weekend: The art of clowning around
- SRC important dates & closing party
- Understanding Alzheimer’s & new monthly support group
- Just added: 57 items + 25 eBooks
- ART@EPL: Meet Anne Landis
- Congrats to Unsung Hero Ricki!
- STEM/Makerspace Station update
- Events: Princess storytime, art workshops & more
- Get bonus Hoopla borrows this month
- July 24, 2021:
- New carpeting coming to adult area
- Just added: 102 items + 26 eBooks
- June private-funding update
- Help EPL add a STEM Makerspace!
- We have an edible campus
- Dog days, freedom from clutter & more
- Feed me: Take a green gremlin home
- Christmas in July on Hoopla
- July 09, 2021:
- Kids: Create with clay this Saturday!
- Acrylics art workshop with Abe Darlington
- No Plant A Row collection on July 19
- Countdown to ‘Chill with a Penguin’
- Take the family to the ballgame August 4
- Summer Reading Club check-in
- Just added: 69 items + 96 eBooks
- Bicycle safety event with Tracy Fox
- Clowning around, Camp NaNo & kat koozies
- Kids: Create with clay this Saturday!
- June 27, 2021:
- ‘Do I still have to wear a mask?’
- 4th of July holiday hours
- Get your Iron Pigs tickets by July 14
- SRC 2021 is off and running — join up!
- Donating books? Read this first
- Chill with a penguin from the LV Zoo
- Just added: 36 items + 8 eBooks
- Lit Lunch returns: free books for first 10
- ART@EPL, Magic with Macie & more events
- ‘Do I still have to wear a mask?’
- June 14, 2021:
- Summer Reading Club starts now!
- Come to the SRC kickoff party June 19
- ART@EPL: Meet Terrill Kevyn Johnson
- Just added: 183 items + 6 eBooks
- May private-funding update
- Plant A Row returns June 21
- Princess storytime, back-pain relief & more
- LAMP helps more people in PA read for life
- May 24, 2021:
- Memorial Day holiday schedule
- New hours starting June 1
- Just added: 216 items + 34 eBooks
- April private-funding update
- New displays and welcome sign
- Volunteer Ricki named an Unsung Hero
- Summer book bingo & more great events
- Have you used your May Hoopla yet?
- May 3, 2021:
- Come to the book sale!
- ART@EPL: Meet Edith Roeder
- Just added: 73 items + 59 eBooks
- March private-funding update
- Star Wars May-nia and more events
- A great Tee Time was had by all
- April 18, 2021:
- It’s Tee Time! Get all the details
- Just added: 131 items
- More COVID-19 vaccine info
- May Day, Baby Yoda & teen ‘call for art’
- Friends’ big spring book sale is back!
- Make every day Earth Day
- April 5, 2021:
- Be part of National Library Week!
- Countdown to Tee Time at the Library
- ART@EPL: Meet Luther Henninger
- Just added: 64 items + 17 eBooks
- Spring storytime starts April 6
- Home-office tips, craft kits & more
- Save the date: Friends’ book sale!
- New month, new Hoopla borrows
- March 21, 2021:
- Spring @ EPL preview
- COVID-19 vaccine update
- Tee up for fun in the stacks
- Safe driving for teens and their parents
- Just added: 101 items + 205 eBooks
- February private-funding update
- Start your garden with free seeds
- PA state tax forms are here!
- Spring @ EPL preview
- March 7, 2021:
- Help us save lives with mammograms
- Share a book & champion reading
- Book your ‘Tee Time at the Library’
- Just added: 145 items + 72 eBooks
- Be the smartest person in the room
- Teen kits, staying close & more
- Get crafty with Hoopla
- Help us save lives with mammograms
- February 22, 2021:
- Tee Time at the Library April 23 & 24
- A mammogram can be a lifesaver
- ART@EPL: Meet Sylvia Roth
- Just added: 77 items + 28 eBooks
- January private-funding update
- Check out the new book (club) totes
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Have you signed up for Hoopla yet?
- February 4, 2021:
- Hoopla’s here — sign up today!
- ART@EPL: Meet Stephen Russell
- Digital magazines have moved
- Just added: 94 items + 42 eBooks
- One-on-one career & job-search help
- Take-home kits and online events
- COVID-19 vaccine info
- January 25, 2021 (special issue):
- It started off like any other year…
- When the going gets tough…
- Green means GO!
- Outdoor events, take-home kits and virtual parades
- This too happened in and around the library in 2020…
- You got us through a crazy year
- What’s ahead in 2021
- It started off like any other year…
- January 17, 2021:
- Library building is reopening Jan. 18
- Just added: 58 items + 51 eBooks
- Private-funding update: 2020 total
- Play board games online (free)
- Check out more great events
- The first tax forms are here!
- December 31, 2020:
- 2020 staff & volunteer favorites
- Just added: 82 items + 31 eBooks
- Play Winter Book Bingo!
- Winter Zoom Storytime starts Jan. 5
- ‘New Year’ stories, STEM to go & more
- Public Domain Day 2021
- December 11, 2020:
- PA health insurance & financial assistance
- Just added: 40 items + 62 eBooks
- November private-funding update
- Update on 2021 state & local funding
- Virtual cheer, new career & more events
- You’ve truly outdone yourselves this year
- Holiday hours
- November 26, 2020:
- COVID update and new weekday hours
- Just added: 137 items + 60 eBooks
- ART@EPL: Meet Abe Darlington
- Shop small this Saturday, get some swag
- Crafts to go, virtual cheer + more events
- Trexler Trust grant funds new HVAC
- Patron creates EPL Giving Tuesday page
- Name the wolf, win a wolf stuffie!
- COVID update and new weekday hours
- November 12, 2020:
- Thanksgiving holiday hours
- Survey: Give us your input on 2021 hours
- Just added: 126 items + 208 eBooks
- October private-funding update
- Dino to-go kits, Wolfenoot and more
- Help fill the Toys for Tots boxes by Dec. 1
- Shop small and local on Nov. 28
- October 30, 2020:
- Come trick or treat at the library
- Join us for spooky stories on Halloween
- ART@EPL: Meet Diane Horoschock
- Just added: 182 items + 79 eBooks
- September private-funding update
- NaNoWriMo, mini-locker kits & more
- Artful hydrants brighten up Emmaus
- October 15, 2020:
- It’s a Friends’ fang-tastic book sale!
- Ride safer and win a kids’ bike helmet
- Get LinkedIn to a great new job
- Just added: 172 items + 71 eBooks
- Kitchen goals, kids’ mask kits, and more
- Trick or treat & Halloween week @ EPL
- Congrats to volunteer Shirley!
- Can it be Toys for Tots time already?
- October 3, 2020:
- Fall storytime kicks off Oct. 6
- A spooktacular Friends’ book sale
- Just added: 172 items + 162 eBooks
- ART@EPL in October: Meet Rose Mavis
- Watch for your annual fund letter
- Kids’ mask kits, kitchen hacks and more
- Get in the Halloween spirit with EPL
- Make $20 feel like $75+
- Fall storytime kicks off Oct. 6
- September 18, 2020:
- A salute to our amazing volunteers
- Join the last outdoor art class Sept. 21
- Just added: 79 items + 125 eBooks
- August private-funding update
- Make travel safer for little ones
- Fall storytime, October book clubs & more
- Save the date for a Friends’ book sale!
- Sen. Boscola resumes mobile office hours
- Have you filled out the Census yet?
- A salute to our amazing volunteers
- September 4, 2020:
- Holiday weekend schedule
- Help friends and family lasso a library card
- Final charcoal class & sculpture classes
- ART@EPL: Meet Laura Elmore
- Just added: 60 items + 88 eBooks
- Enter the September raffles
- Child safety, Animal Faire & more events
- The EPL cat has a name!
- Holiday weekend schedule
- August 23, 2020:
- Help shape the future of EPL
- Don’t miss the last outdoor art classes
- ART@EPL: Meet Barbara Greco
- Just added: 70 items + 39 eBooks
- July private-funding update
- Origami ‘to go’ and more fun events
- Teen SRC prize winners chosen
- Vote to help name the library cat!
- Help shape the future of EPL
- August 8, 2020:
- Butterfly Release (…and key SRC dates)
- More outdoor art classes offered
- ART@EPL: Meet Elena Shackleton
- Just added: 64 items + 91 eBooks
- Print from anywhere and save time
- Sign up for September book clubs
- Fairytale craft kits, Mythology, and more
- Need puzzles or books at great prices?
- Enter the August raffles!
- July 24, 2020:
- ART@EPL update & August workshops
- Check out our ‘Recent Reads’ section
- Just added: 47 items + 39 new eBooks
- June private-funding update
- Harry’s 40th, ‘to go’ craft kits and more
- Teen SRC prize roundup – sign up to win!
- Contest: Help us name the EPL cat
- Catapult fun @ home – get yours
- ART@EPL update & August workshops
- July 12, 2020:
- Welcome back!
- ART@EPL goes outdoors (and has openings)
- Just added: 138 items + 34 new eBooks
- Win a grill and gift cards in the July raffles
- Digital magazines expand to 3,700+ titles
- Smart apps, catapults, hopscotch & more
- Get your tickets for the Emmaus Chill Trail
- Our Summer Reading table is open!
- Jimi Hendrix goes gnome for a good cause
- Welcome back!
- June 25, 2020:
- Drive-up book sale for kids is tomorrow!
- We’re reopening July 6: what to know
- Card expiring or items due July 1? Listen up
- Just added: 185 items + 145 new eBooks
- May private-funding update
- Watch parties, cute cat planters and more
- Reading has its rewards
- Tax deadline is July 15: where to get forms
- July 4th holiday schedule
- Drive-up book sale for kids is tomorrow!
- June 11, 2020:
- Curbside pick-up starts Monday
- Friends’ Drive-Up Book Sale is tomorrow!
- Have you joined Summer Reading Club?
- Just added: 101 items + 31 new eBooks
- Attend the June Board meeting online
- Catch Miss Sue’s great events on Zoom
- Plant A Row collections start June 22
- Happy Father’s Day!
- Curbside pick-up starts Monday
- June 1, 2020:
- Curbside pick-up to begin June 15
- Summer Reading starts June 8
- Last call/new gifts for Friends’ $$ match
- Friends’ Drive-Up Book Sale now June 12
- 43 eBooks added to OverDrive/Libby
- Join us for Virtual Coffee Hour June
- Update on ART@EPL events
- Summer Storytime, Miss Jolie and more
- Online card registration now available
- May 16, 2020:
- Library update: the next chapter of EPL
- 72 books added to OverDrive/Libby
- April private-funding update
- Join the May EPL Board Meeting online
- June book club & more online events
- Staff check-ins from quarantine
- Giving Tuesday results & Matching May
- Access Ancestry.com from home
- Book-cover-double challenge
- Library update: the next chapter of EPL
- May 1, 2020:
- Dedicate a gift book to honor Mom
- ART@EPL workshops moved to June
- Come to the #EmmausDanceLibrary
- College financial aid webinars in May
- Quarantine crafts & Pinterest parties
- Estate Planning & more online events
- Turning the tables on Giving Tuesday
- Plant a ‘Corona Victory Garden’
- Catch Monday Mornings with Miss Sue
- Dedicate a gift book to honor Mom
- April 17, 2020:
- Fine limit raised for online access
- 127 books added to OverDrive/Libby
- Feb./March private-funding update
- Join the April EPL Board meeting online
- Virtual events and May book clubs
- Update on ART@EPL
- Bookish podcasts to check out
- Enjoy TumbleBook collections for all ages
- Celebrate National Library Week
- Save the date for EPL’s 80th!
- Fine limit raised for online access
- April 02, 2020:
- Get a library card by email
- New dates for taxes, voting and more
- April 6: Pinterest Party Happy Hour
- Join the ‘1984’ book discussion online
- Friends’ book sale, Iron Pigs postponed
- 4300+ books added to OverDrive/Libby
- Miss Sue brings storytime to you!
- NewsBank: 10,000+ free news sources
- Support EPL while you shop online
- Get a library card by email
- March 20, 2020:
- Update on library services
- Visit & add to our COVID-19 resources page
- Meal Planning Like a Pro — online March 23
- Access eBooks & eAudiobooks online
- Read digital magazines online
- More great EPL online resources
- Update on library services
- March 06, 2020:
- Stress-free meals every day of the week
- Spring storytimes start March 11 & 17
- Just added: 124 items + 32 new eBooks
- Win a new grill in the March raffle
- It’s a Gold Cap Giveaway at the Iron Pigs
- Career changes, STEM, and more events
- Morning Call archives + 100s of news sources
- Stress-free meals every day of the week
- February 20, 2020:
- ART@EPL March: Winter winners exhibit
- Monthly private-funding update
- Just added: 83 items + 17 new eBooks
- Catch the Iron Pigs’ first home game
- Check out the March book clubs
- Seussical Jr. and more great events
- Save the date for the big book sale!
- Top 10 circulating books of 2019
- February 08, 2020:
- ART@EPL: Meet Aryn Coyle
- Where to get 2019 tax forms and help
- Just added: 119 items + 64 new eBooks
- Win a handmade cat or dog quilt!
- Amazon adventures and more events
- We’ve added more digital magazines
- ART@EPL: Meet Aryn Coyle
- January 23, 2020:
- Siri, you can drive my car
- Come out for SnowBlast Feb. 1!
- ART@EPL February lecture & workshops
- Private-funding update: 2019 total
- 2019 EPL metrics show strong growth
- Just added: 126 items + 33 new eBooks
- Check out the February book clubs
- Iron Pigs home opener and more events
- 1040 & 1040-SR tax forms are here
- Siri, you can drive my car
- January 6, 2020:
- New Creatives Connection starts Jan. 9
- ART@EPL: Meet Marianne Knipe
- Just added: 45 items + 60 new eBooks
- Get organized for 2020
- Enter the January raffles
- SAT prep, winter storytimes, and more
- Save the date for SnowBlast 2020!
- New Creatives Connection starts Jan. 9
- December 27, 2019 (special year-end issue):
- The year in review
- What’s ahead in 2020
- What’s on your EPL wish list?
- Spread the word!
- The year in review
- December 21, 2019:
- End 2019 with crafts and a wrap party!
- Winter storytime series starts Jan. 15
- Monthly private-funding update
- Just added: 95 items + 47 new eBooks
- Free ART@EPL talk & classes on pastels
- Don’t miss out on the Dec. raffle!
- Vision boards 2020, book clubs & more
- We’ve updated our online research tools
- End 2019 with crafts and a wrap party!
- December 13, 2019:
- ART@EPL Opening Exhibit
- Jan: Pastels with Marianne Knipe
- Feb: Impressionism & Painting in Technicolor with Aryn Coyle
- Apr: Charcoal & Chalk with Barbara Greco
- May: Watercolor with Elena Shackleton
- July: Expressive Brushwork & Water-Soluble Oil Paints with Carol Perlowski
- Aug: Sculpture with Laura Elmore
- ART@EPL Opening Exhibit
December 06, 2019:
- Get to the Friends’ book sale tonight!
- Join Emmaus to celebrate the season
- Be part of ART@EPL Dec. 14
- Tote-ally awesome new book club kits
- Just added: 53 items + 37 new eBooks
- There’s still time to place your bid
- Enter to win the December raffle
- It’s a wrap party, a crafty month & more
- You guys are toy-tally amazing too!
- Get to the Friends’ book sale tonight!
November 22, 2019:
- Announcing ART@EPL, opening Dec. 14
- Book Sale & Old-Fashioned Christmas
- Monthly private-funding update
- Just added: 117 items + 37 new eBooks
- Golf or wine? That is the question…
- Last call for the November raffle
- Dec. book clubs and more great events
- Keep those toys coming!
- Announcing ART@EPL, opening Dec. 14
November 8, 2019:
- Kick your career into high gear
- Love golf or wine? Let the bidding begin!
- The Friends’ Holiday Book Sale is Dec. 6
- Just added: 121 items + 92 new eBooks
- Serve on the library’s Board of Trustees
- Enter to win the November raffle
- Old-Fashioned Christmas + events galore
- Drop off Toys for Tots donations at EPL
- Kick your career into high gear
October 24, 2019:
- A decade of library financials
- Just added: 91 items + 20 new eBooks
- Monthly private-funding update
- Countdown to NaNoWriMo
- Get a Schantz ‘Monthly Maddness Card’
- Last call for the October raffle
- Event Planning 101 & more great events
- Thank you, Stephen King!
- A decade of library financials
October 10, 2019:
- Volunteer Profile: Jerry
- Plant wildflowers at the library tomorrow
- Just added: 147 items + 57 new eBooks
- Have you entered the October raffle?
- Check out the November book clubs
- ‘Smart devices’ and more great events
- Be part of the Halloween fun at EPL
- Volunteer Profile: Jerry
September 26, 2019:
- Fall storytime series kicks off Oct. 2
- Monthly private-funding update
- Enter to win the October raffle
- Just added: 82 more items + 52 new eBooks
- New monthly groups and great events
- Win a ‘Banned Books’ mug
- Help Plant a Row top 300 lbs!
- March in the Halloween Parade with us
- Fall storytime series kicks off Oct. 2
September 13, 2019:
- Show your card, enter to win $100!
- Coming Sept. 16: EPL Reads
- Rep. Simmons goes mobile
- Just added: 61 more items + 49 new eBooks
- Learn CPR, plus more great events
- From Silent Auction to Monthly Raffle
- Show your card, enter to win $100!
August 30, 2019:
- Come out to Community Heroes Day!
- Monthly private funding update
- You had me at ‘wine tasting’
- Just added: 84 more items + 91 new eBooks
- Fixing your car? View repair manuals online
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Come out to Community Heroes Day!
August 16, 2019:
- Ready for some ‘weird science’?
- Treat yourself to a night out Sept. 27
- Meet Our Volunteers: Kathy
- Just added: 64 more items + 44 new eBooks
- Plant a Row check-in
- Winterthur update & great events ahead
- We did it!
- Ready for some ‘weird science’?
July 31, 2019:
- Get thee to the Renaissance Faire!
- STEM Fun with Johnny + Climate Camp
- Just added: 105 items + 22 new eBooks
- Your reviews are in…
- Make a splash at the SRC Pool Party!
- Teen Time @ EPL & more great events
- Save the date for Community Heroes Day!
- Get thee to the Renaissance Faire!
July 18, 2019:
- Meet the Books & Barks gang
- Just added: 75 items + 25 digital books
- Monthly private-funding update
- September means Winterthur, wine & chocolate!
- Climate Camp and more great events
- Too hot out there for you?
- Meet the Books & Barks gang
July 4, 2019:
- Plant a Row Monday produce collections
- See the Bethlehem Mounted Police July 10
- Just in: 93 items + 88 new eBooks
- EPL goes to the Iron Pigs — Part II
- Great events and Stranger Things
- Still time to join SRC!
June 19, 2019:
- Emmaus High yearbooks go digital
- Just added: 86 items + 43 eBooks
- Monthly private-funding update
- Have you signed up for SRC yet?
- Summer at EPL means fun events galore
- SRC Kickoff cuteness overload
June 5, 2019:
- Ready-set-read: SRC starts Monday!
- Meet Our Volunteers: Alan
- Just in: 65 items + 136 new eBooks
- Summer storytime & movie series
- Summer at the museum(s) = free
- Mark your calendar for great events
May 23, 2019:
- Please note our holiday hours
- Just added: 119 items
- Monthly private-funding update
- Join us for two ‘tasty’ get-togethers
- Take me out to the ballgame!
- Plan a great summer with free events
May 8, 2019:
- Estate planning in the digital age
- Dedicate a book to someone special
- Just added: 160 more items
- Summer Reading Club signups set
- Hop on the bus to Winterthur
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Eat pancakes for a good cause!
April 25, 2019:
- Your family tree–where to start
- Meet Our Volunteers: Shirley
- Monthly private-funding update
- Coping with addiction
- Just added: 92 more items
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Save the date! Summer Reading kickoff
April 13, 2019:
- Shop the Friends’ book Sale today
- Mobile printing is here!
- School security in an age of fear
- Macungie just got a book drop
- Free developmental screenings for kids
- What’s new? Almost 200 items
- Our seed library just grew a bunch
- Mark your calendar for great events
- We’re a PA Forward Gold Star library!
March 27, 2019:
- Get your free seeds!
- Monthly private funding update
- What’s new? More than 150 items
- STEM for Teens and Smart $$ Week
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Celebrate National Library Week!
March 13, 2019:
- Spring storytime series
- Meet Our Volunteers: Debbie
- Countdown to Friends’ BIG book sale
- Just added: 113 new items
- Check out the new Book Tote titles
- Sign Language 101 + more great events
- Get ready for…LIBRARDY!
March 1, 2019:
- What’s new? Groundhog stew
- Where does the library get its money?
- Join the Board of Trustees
- Use our new tutoring/study room
- Mark your calendar for great events
- What a difference a year makes
February 13, 2019:
- Get your new library card yet?
- iPads available for library use
- What’s new? These 69 items!
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Need something to look forward to?
- A princess, a unicorn and snow angels
January 30, 2019:
- Your ‘library’ just got a LOT bigger!
- 101 more new items added
- Meet Our Volunteers: Chris A!
- Books ‘N’ Beer tickets on sale Feb. 2
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Let it SnowBlast!
January 16, 2019:
- Where to get 2018 tax forms and help
- Check out the first new items of 2019!
- Meet Our Volunteers: Linda H
- Grab coffee at the library
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Shop at the Friends’ new Book Nook
- January 2, 2019
- Access books online with OverDrive
- New (old) works now in the public domain
- Sen. Boscola expands ‘Mobile Office’ hours
- Winter storytimes start next week!
- Mark your calendar for great events
- New year = new cards are on the way
December 22, 2018 (special year-end issue):
- The year in review
- New library cards coming in 2019!
- So much more than books
- How you can support the library
- Help us end 2018 on a high note
November 28, 2018:
- Kids’ STEM series kicks off Dec. 8
- Friends Indeed: The Friends of the EPL
- Meet Our Volunteers: Johnny
- Love Oreos?
- Open House highlights
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Celebrate Old-Fashioned Christmas!
- November 14, 2018:
- Celebrate the holidays @ EPL
- How to create online reading lists
- Love magazines? Get free digital issues
- Mark your calendar for great events
- It’s official!
- October 31, 2018:
- Meet Lauri, our newest team member
- Confused about health insurance?
- Puzzlemania
- New children’s wing celebrations
- Mark your calendar for great events
- We won first place!
October 17, 2018:
- A dream long in the making
- How to place a book on hold
- Meet Our Volunteers: Ricki
- Hosting a book club? Get a Book Tote
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Come out to the Halloween Parade!
October 3, 2018:
- From the director — Fall at EPL!
- How to renew your books online
- Want to donate books? Read this first.
- New storytimes for fall
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Save $6 at Crayola Experience
September 19, 2018:
- How to access your account online
- Free museum passes with your card
- Save time with Book-a-Librarian
- What’s next in your book series?
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Community Heroes highlights
September 5, 2018:
- Amy’s farewell message
- 18th annual Community Heroes Day
- It’s Library Card Sign-up Month
- Oh hey, we have a blog now
- Mark your calendar for great events
- Today you saved …
- #SummeratEPL was terrific!